Why are so many RVN’s leaving the profession?

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The RCVS has announced 692 VNs have been removed from the VN Register for non-payment of fees, but what does this mean in practice? It is likely some of these nurses no longer work in veterinary practice and may have chosen instead to work in industry or have left the profession altogether. However, the recently launched Vet Futures report states there are 12,670 RVNs, so this figure is now markedly reduced.

So why are so many RVNs leaving the profession and how can we help make a career in veterinary nursing one that, once you’re part of it, you don’t want to leave? This topic is features on the front page of Veterinary Times this week and also in the March edition of Practice Life, the journal of SPVS and VPMA, as the Hot Topic. Both features reference the same basic point – that the profession as a whole has to acknowledge the huge value of Registered Veterinary Nurses and the potential they have to bring a string of benefits – including financial gains – to practices. Do you agree; what else should we do to promote and recognize the enormous contribution made by RVNs?111005vnbadge

Practice Life will be out in print in March; if you are not a member of VPMA or SPVS, you can register to receive a digital version at http://practicelife.us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=d45ae7830578c48561185cac4&id=f3987e1321